Monday, May 11, 2009

Time to let the hair go

I love his hair. Its what makes him different and stand out from the crowd of other Chinese babies. But it was getting really hot and he'd be sweaty all the time. I agreed with my hubs that it was time to let the hair go.

Prepping him to get his hair cut. This is how he looked before.

During the hair cut, we had to bribe him with lots of snacks. Eventually that didn't work and it turned into a cry fest.

But finally it was all over. Now he looks so clean cut, so fresh, so ready to go out to town. Looks like an engineer.


  1. omgosh!! i love this little boy! he looks cute either way!

  2. hehehe. okay, i don't want to say it, but it sounds like what we go through with trying to cut duff's toenails. cj looks so good! great job, mom and dad!

  3. Awww...the haircut is adorable! I really like the new look and that you kept a little bit of his bangs...what a handsome boy :).

  4. Hi Esther, I found your blog from Thomas' facebook post. haha. How are you? CJ is so adorable! I like his haircut!

  5. awww, good job Thomas! CJ looks so grown up with the new hair

  6. Oh, baby! What a little man you are! Said to see it go, but he looks as precious as ever! Way to be brave, Mom. :)
